next step

“See Your Next Step, Plan Your Next Step, Take Your Next Step”

Are you ready to finally see Mission-Multiplication happen in your community?”

The Challenge & Opportunity

Leaders in U.S. churches have been dreaming of mission-multiplication movements for decades. We, of course, see such a movement in the book of Acts and we see such movements in other parts of the world even today. However, in the U.S., while we have made various attempts at igniting such a movement (see “mega-church,” “meta-church,” “multi-site,” “new-starts for new-believers”), we have yet to actually see it in our midst.  We read books about it, go to conferences about it and listen to podcasts about it.

But are you ready to actually do something about it? Like, no fooling?

A Simple Calculus

U.S. churches are perfectly calibrated for the results we are currently getting. It’s a simple calculus: our way for our results.  But what if we took all we have learned over the last few decades:

  • What worked and what didn’t?

  • What did we inadvertently build into our tactics that limited the results?

  • What were our blind spots because of inherited paradigms?

What if we took all that and went back to the gospels with clearer vision in order to re-calibrate our ways to Jesus’ way?  The calculus would shift: from “our way for our results” to “Jesus’ way for Jesus’ results.”  

Are you ready for this?

“Next-Step: Collaborate to Multiply”

Imagine small groups of experienced practitioners like you coming together with Greg and Susan Finke in a picturesque, urban-retreat setting to collaborate around identifying Next-Steps for mission, discipleship and multiplication. With a little help from your friends, you would be able to see your next step, plan your next step and take your next step.  By God’s Grace, Dwelling 1:14 is launching a new arm of ministry to accomplish just that beginning in 2020.  While the Finke’s will continue to travel on the weekends to bring mission and discipleship training to new congregations coast-to-coast, they will also use selected weekdays to offer this new arm of ministry to experienced congregations.

Contact Greg Finke at or 281-844-7644 to learn more.

Next week, we will share the story of where God will have the Finke’s launch this new arm of ministry and the story of how He brought it to pass.