A Pretty Big Announcement from Dwelling 1:14

An Exciting Announcement for All Dwelling 1:14 Practitioners

Are you one of the many congregations who have already been working with Dwelling 1:14? You have seen the transformation in your people. There is a new mission-mindset in play. There are new lifestyle and congregational practices in play.  The culture of the congregation has shifted so that they are not only believing in Jesus and worshiping Jesus but also getting up off their pews and joining Jesus on His mission in their daily lives.

What’s Your Next Step? See it. Plan it. Do it.

Are you about ready for your Next-Step?  After an effective season of mission and discipleship, congregations and leaders often come to the edge of their vision and experience.  Unless they can see what their next step is, they are in danger of plateauing or getting stuck. They want to see mission and discipleship continue to multiply throughout their congregation and out into the community, but aren’t sure how to get there. 

Collaborate to Multiply

Imagine small groups of experienced practitioners like you coming together with Greg and Susan Finke in an urban-retreat setting to collaborate around identifying next-steps for mission, discipleship and multiplication. With a little help from your friends, you will be able to see your next step, plan your next step and take your next step.

By God’s Grace, Dwelling 1:14 is Launching a New Arm of Ministry in 2020 to Accomplish Just That

While the Finke’s will continue to travel on the weekends to bring mission and discipleship training to new congregations coast-to-coast, they will use selected weekdays to offer this new arm of ministry to experienced congregations, as well. In the coming weeks, more information will be announced.  Or better yet, contact Greg Finke directly at finkeonthemove@gmail.com or 281-844-7644 with your questions.